E.N. Kablov
Strategical Areas of Developing Materials and Their Processing Technologies for the Period up to 2030
O.G. Ospennikova
Development Strategics of High-Temperature Alloys and Special Steels, Protective and Thermoprotective Coatings
E.N. Kablov, N.V. Petrushin, I.L. Svetlov, I.M. Demonis
Ni-base casting superalloy of the new generation
B.S. Lomberg, S.V. Ovsepyan, M.M. Bakradze, I.S. Mazalov
High-temperature Ni-base alloys for GTE components
O.A. Bazyleva, E.G. Arginbaeva, E.Yu. Turenko
High-temperature casting intermetallic alloys
S.A. Myboyadjan, D.A. Alexandrov, D.S. Gorlov, L.P. Egorova, E.E. Bulavintseva
Protective and Strengthening Ion-Plasma Coatings for Blades and Other Critical GTE Compressor Parts
E.S. Markova, N.G. Pokrovskaya, A.B. Shalkevich, V.I. Gromov
Maraging Steels as the Advanced Materials for GTE Shafts
O.A. Tonysheva, N.M. Voznesenskaya, E.A. Eliseev, A.B. Shalkevich
Novel High-Strength Efficiently-Alloyed Nitrogen-Containing Steel of Improved Reliability
M.P. Orlov, O.G. Ospennikova, V.I. Gromov
Propogation Mechanisms of the Structural Steel Hydrogen and Beynite Embrittlement during the Service of Large-Size Structures
V.P. Migunov, D.P. Farafonov, M.Z. Dedovetz, T.I. Stupina
Sealing Materials for GTE Passages
E.N. Kablov, V.V. Sidorov, D.E. Kablov, V.E. Rigin, A.V. Goryunov
Present-Day Production Technologies of Rod Billets, Made of Casting Superalloys of New Generation
E.N. Kablov, V.N. Toloraiya
VIAM - Founder of Domestic Technology for Casting Single-Crystal Turbine Blades of GTE and GTS
E.N. Kablov, M.P. Orlov, O.G. Ospennikova
Porosity Generation Mechanisms in the Single-Crystal Turbine Blades and the Kinetics of Their Elimination during Hot Isostatic Pressing
E.N. Kablov, O.G. Ospennikova, B.S. Lomberg
Complex Innovation Technology of Isothermal Forging in Air under the Superplasticity Conditions of Superalloy Discs
O.G. Ospennikova, M.B. Bubnov, D.V. Kapitanenko
Computer simulation of pressure shaping processes for metallic materials
V.I. Gromov, N.A. Kurpyakova, O.V. Sedov, E.N. Korobova
Vacuum and Ion-Plasma Chemico-Thermal Treatment of Critical Gas Turbine Engine Components
V.V. Antipov
Strategics of Developing Titanium, Magnesium, Beryllium and Aluminium Alloys
V.V. Antipov, O.G. Senatorova, E.A. Tkachenko, P.O. Vakhromov
Aluminium Wrought Alloys
V.V. Antipov, N.I. Kolobnev, L.B. Khokhlatova
Development of Aluminium-Lithium Alloys and Multistage Heat Treatment Conditions
N.A. Nochovnaya, V.I. Ivanov, E.B. Alekseev, A.S. Kochetkov
Ways of Optimizing the Properties of Alloys Based on Titanium Intermetallides
A.I. Khorev, N.A. Nochovnaya, A.L. Yakovlev
Microalloying of Titanium Alloys by Rare-Earth Metals
I.S Kornysheva, E.F. Volkova, E.S. Goncharenko, I.Yu. Mukhina
Application Perspectives of Magnesium and Casting Aluminium Alloys
V.S. Kaskov
Beryllium and Materials on Its Base
V.V. Antipov, O.G. Senatorova, N.F. Lukina, V.V. Sidelnikov, V.V. Shestov
Laminated Metal-Polymer Composite Materials
D.V. Graschenkov, L.V. Chursova
Development Strategics of Composite and Functional Materials.
I.N. Gulyaev, G.M. Gunyaev, A.E. Raskutin
Polymer Composite Materials with the Adaptation Functions and State Diagnostics.
I.F. Davydova, N.S. Kavun
Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics - Multifunctional Composite Materials.
R.R. Mukhametov, K.R. Akhmadieva, M.A. Kim, A.N. Babin
Melt Binders for Advanced Production Methods for PCM of New Generation.
O.B. Zastrogina, N.I. Shvetz, V.I. Postnov, E.A. Serkova
Phenolformaldehyde binders for interior materials of the new Generation
G.F. Zhelezina
Fracture Features of Organoplastics under the Impact Effects.
G.M. Gunyaev, L.V. Chursova, O.A. Komarova, A.G. Gunyaeva
Structural Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP), Modified by Nanoparticles.
A.E. Raskutin, V.A. Goncharov
Computer Simulation of PCM Technological Production Process by Vacuum Infusion Method.
A.V. Khrulkov, M.I. Dushin, Yu.O. Popov, D.I. Kogan
Studies and Development of Autoclave and Autoclave-Free Technologies for PCM Moulding.
G.N. Petrova, D.N. Perfilova, V.I. Gryaznov, E.Ya. Beyder
Thermoplastic elastomer for the substitution of rubbers
O.A. Eliseev, L.L. Krasnov, E.I. Zaitzeva, A.V. Savenkova
Development and Modification of Elastomeric Materials for the Application under the All-Climatic Conditions
L.V. Semenova, N.E. Malova, B.A. Kuznetsova, A.A. Pozhoga
Varnish and paint materials and coatings
N.F. Lukina, L.A. Dementieva, A.P. Petrova, A.A. Serezhenkov
Structural and High-Temperature Adhesive
V.V. Semyonychev, R.K. Salakhova, E.V. Tyurikov, V.A. Ilyin
Protective and Functional Galvanic Coatings, Produced with the use of Nanosize Particles
V.A. Bogatov, S.V. Kondrashov, Yu.A. Khokhlov
Multifunctional Optical Coatings and Materials
A.A. Belyaev, S.V. Kondrashov, V.V. Lepeshkin, A.M. Romanov
Radioabsorbing Materials
V.A. Bogatov, S.V. Kondrashov, I.A. Mansurova, V.T. Minakov
Study of Carbon Nanotube Effecting Mechanism on the Nanocomposite Physico-Mechanical Properties
St.S. Solntsev, V.A. Rosenenkova, N.A. Mironova
High-Temperature Glass-Ceramic Coatings and Composite Materials
D.V. Graschenkov, S.St. Solntsev, N.E. Schegoleva, A.S. Naumova, B.N. Gaponov
Glass-Ceramic Composite Material
E.N. Kablov, B.V. Schetanov, D.V. Graschenkov, A.A. Shavnev, A.N. Nyafkin
Metallic composite materials on the base of Al‒SiC
Yu.A. Ivakhnenko, V.G. Babashov, A.M. Zimichev, E.V. Tinyakova
High-temperature thermoinsulating and thermoproteclive materials on the base of refractory compound fibers
M.R. Orlov
Strategical Development Tendencies of VIAM FSUE Testing Center
A.F. Letov, F.N. Karachevtsev, N.V. Gundobin, V.I. Titov
Development of Standard Alloy Composition Specimens of Aircraft Application
M.R. Orlov, M.S. Yakimova, A.F. Letov
Working Capacity Analysis of Single-Crystal High-Pressure Turbine Blades of Ground Gas-Turbine Set
L.V. Prokhodtseva, E.V. Filonova, S.A. Naprienko, N.S. Moiseeva
Study of developing the fracture process regularities of ВТ41 alloy under the cyclic loading conditions
V.N. Kirillov, O.V. Startsev, V.A. Efimov
Climatic Resistance and Damaging of Polymer Composite Materials, Problems and Ways of Their Solution
A.V. Stepanov, E.I. Kosarina, N.A. Savvina, V.E. Usachev
Macro- and Microporosity in Alloys Based on Aluminium and Nickel and Its Revealing by X-Raying Methods of Non-Destructive Control
S.L. Barbotko
Fire safety of aviation materials
V.S. Erasov, N.O. Yakovlev, G.A. Nuzhny
Qualification Tests and the Study of Aviation Materials Strength
P.L. Zhuravleva, D.V. Zaitsev
Study of Carbon Fiber Structure with the Use of Diffraction Methods
I.P. Zhegina, L.V. Kotelnikova, V.B. Grigorenko, Z.N. Zimina
Fracture features of wrought Ni-base alloys and steels
V.V. Murashov
Determination of physico-mechanical characteristics and composition of polymer composites by acoustic methods