E.N. Kablov, I.M. Demonis, V.G. Dvoryashin, A.R. Narsky
Four Unknown Facts of VIAM Foundation History during the Period of 1921−1935 years
23-31 -
D.E. Kablov, V.V. Sidorov, P.G. Min
Effect of Nitrogen Impurities on GS30-VI Ni-base Superalloy Single-Crystal Structure and the Development of its Efficient Refinement Methods
32-36 -
G.M. Gunyaev, L.V. Chursova, A.E. Raskutin, A.G. Gunyaeva
Lightning resistance of the present-day polymer composites
36-42 -
M.I. Dushin, A.V. Khrulkov, A.A. Platonov, K.R. Akhmadieva
Autoclave - free molding of carbon fiber reinforced plastics based on prepregs, produced against the solution technology
43-48 -
D.V. Graschenkov, I.Yu. Efimochkin, S.B. Lomov, I.E. Goncharov
Composite material based on plumbum
48-50 -
Y.V. Syty, V.A. Sagomonova, V.I. Kislyakova, V.A. Bolshakov
Novel Vibroabsorbing Materials
51-54 -
L.V. Prohodtseva, V.S. Erasov, O.Yu. Lavrova, A.V. Lavrov
Cycle form effect upon the fatigue properties and В T3-1 titanium alloy fracture microstructures
54-58 -
R.K. Salakhova
Corrosion resistance of 30 ХГСА steel with «Trivalent» chromium coating under the natural and artificial media conditions
59-66 -
N.O. Yakovlev, V.S. Erasov, E.G. Sentyurin, G.M. Kharitonov
Residual stress relaxation in aircraft organic glasses at the post-flight