Scientific and Technical Journal «Aviation Materials and Technologies»
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Founder and Publisher
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials» of National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute»
17, Radio str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
Phone: +7 (499) 261-86-77; fax: +7 (499) 267-86-09
E-mail: admin@viam.ru
Published since 2000
In exchange for earlier published journal «Issues of aviation science and engineering» of series «Aviation materials» (1984–1999) and scientific and technical collection «Aviation materials» (1977–1983)
Volume – 12 articles
Publication frequency – quarterly
Academician of RAS, Professor, President's Assistant of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
Depury Editor-in-Chief
Doctor of Sciences (Tech.)
Main purpose of the Journal is to inform about the results of fundamental and applied scientific researches in the field of development, creation and implementation of materials and technologies designed for aviation and aerospace industries.
Objectives of the Journal:
Providing opportunity to scientists in the field of materials science to publish results of their researches.
Organizing exchange of views among scientists and specialists of industry.
Increasing motivation of young scientists and specialists to scientific and research work and cognitive activity.
Promoting diffusion of scientific knowledge in the field of materials science.
Providing high-quality editorial and publishing services for preparation, reviewing and publication of scientific articles to authors.
Topic themes
Articles about developments of structural and functional materials, including composites with metal, polymer and ceramic matrixes, alloys on the basis of aluminum, magnesium, titanium and nickel, intermetallic compounds, steels, protecting coatings, production processes and repair technologies, high-tech processing equipment, protectors against corrosion, aging and bio-damages under all-climatic conditions, methods and facilities of non-destructive testing are published in the Journal.
In addition, data on methods and types of tests and test equipment for determination of strength and resource properties of materials under different test conditions are described in the articles. Serviceability of materials in case of a preset life during operation in aerospace equipment is given as well. In addition, the materials certification system as a guarantee of material quality is described.
Reviewing of papers and their publication in the Journal is free of charge.
The Journal is intended for engineers, scientists and technicians of scientific-research institutes, design bureaus and plants of aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding, power engineering and construction industry branches and also for students and post-graduate students of universities and institutes of higher education.
The Journal is included in the scientometric base RISC (Russian Index of Scientific Citing), the abstract and information base RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index on Web of Science) and in «The List of leading reviewed scientific journals and issues, where the main scientific results of theses for competition for the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Science» approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and High Education at the Russian Federation (abbr. VAK in Russian) have to be published.
Delayed Open Access
The content of the Journal from 2005 to 2021 is available in an open access format in the section «Archive».
The content of the Journal of the two priveous years is available after obtaining commercial access for the current year.