E.N. Kablov, B.V. Shchetanov, A.A. Shavnev, A.N. Nyafkin, V.V. Chibirkin, V.V. Eliseev, V.A. Martynenko, V.G. Myskatin'ev, L.A. Emix, S.M. Vdovin, K.H. Nishchev
Increase of reliability of power IGBT-modulus by means of high filled metal matrix composite of Al-SiC system
M.S. Oglodkov, L.B. Khokhlatova, N.I. Kolobnev, A.A. Alekseev, E.A. Lukina
Effect of the thermomechanical treatment on Al (Al-Cu-Mg-Li-Zn) alloy properties and structure
V.N. Toloraiya, E.V. Filonova, G.A. Ostroukhova, I.N. Aleshin
Microporosity of the single-crystal castings produced of carbon-free superalloys
E.N. Kablov, D.V. Sivakov, I.N. Gulyaev, K.V. Sorokina, M.Yu. Fedotov, V.A. Goncharov
Test methods of structural composites with the integrated electromechanical system
G.N. Petrova, T.V. Rumyantseva, D.N. Perfilova, E.Ya. Beyder, V.I. Gryaznov
Thermoelastoplastics - a new class of polymer materials
V.A. Efimov, V.N. Kirillov, O.A. Dobryanskaya, E.V. Nikolaev, A.K. Shvedkova
Methodical aspects of full-scale climatic tests of polymer composite materials