Yu.V. Loschinin, S.I. Pakhomkin, A.S. Fokin
Study of the heating rate effect on phase transformations of Al alloys by the differential scanning calorimetry method
N.A. Belov
Efficiently modified heat-resistant Al-base alloys: phase composition optimization principles
I.A. Treninkov, A.A. Alexeyev, D.V. Zaytsev, E.V. Filonova
Study of phase and structural changes along with residual stresses during the high-temperature creep process in VGM4 alloy
K.V. Sorokin, V.V. Murashov, M.Yu. Fedotov, V.A. Goncharov
Prediction of fault propogation in polymer structures by determining the stiffness changes under the material actuation conditions
E.N. Kablov, D.V. Graschenkov, N.E. Uvarova
Study of gel structural changes during the heat treatment of high-temperature glass-ceramic materials according to sol-gel technology by the infrared spectroscopy method
B.S. Lomberg, M.M. Bakradze, E.B. Chabina, E.B. Filonova
Interrelation between structure and properties of Ni-base superalloys for GTE disks
R.V. Akatenkov, S.V. Kondrashov, A.S. Fokin, P.S. Morakhovsky
Polymer network formation features over the curing processes of epoxy oligomers with functionalized nanotubes
R.R. Mukhametov, K.R Akhmadieva, L.V. Chursova, D.I. Kogan
Novel polymer binders for advanced production methods of structural fibrous polymer composites